Comscore is a trusted currency for planning, transacting, and evaluating media across platforms. - Comscore, Inc.
Comscore is a trusted currency for planning, transacting, and evaluating media across platforms. 是 Comscore 旗下的一家媒体测量和分析公司。它提供对电影、电视、视频和音频的综合测量和见解。 该网站提供以下服务: * **票房数据:**追踪全球电影票房收入和出勤情况。 * **电视收视率:**衡量电视节目和频道的收视率。 * **视频点播:**追踪视频点播内容(包括流媒体和下载)的消费。 * **音频测量:**测量播客、在线广播和音乐流媒体服务的听众。 的数据用于以下目的: * 帮助电影制片厂和发行商优化电影营销和发行策略。 * 让广播公司和电视网优化节目时间表和广告策略。 * 让视频流媒体服务了解用户行为和偏好。 * 让音频内容创建者和分销商了解听众参与度和接触范围。 为媒体行业提供了广泛且准确的测量和见解,使参与者能够做出明智的决策并最大化他们的投资回报。
🕛2024-06-10 12:13:06
SingleStore | The Real-Time Data Platform for Intelligent Applications
Designed for applications, analytics and AI, SingleStore is the world's only real-time data platform to read, write and reason on petabyte-scale data in a few milliseconds.
🕛2024-05-29 15:11:04
Rockset: Search and analytics database
Build blazing fast search and AI applications in record time.
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Welcome to the Observability Cloud
Fewer incidents, more features & happier customers.
🕛2024-05-29 08:26:05
A Digital Technologies, Operations & Experiences Company - Datamatics
Datamatics enables enterprises to go Deep in Digital to boost their productivity, customer experience, and competitive advantage.
🕛2024-05-28 16:14:04
AHEAD | Digital Platforms Engineered for Modern Enterprises
AHEAD accelerates the impact of technology on clients by engineering customized data, developer, and infrastructure platforms that improve IT operations.
🕛2024-05-28 14:03:04
CData Software | Real-time data connectivity
CData Software - Drivers for Applications, Databases, and Web APIs through standards-based driver technologies like ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, SSIS, BizTalk, Excel, and more.
🕛2024-05-28 11:53:05
AHEAD | Digital Platforms Engineered for Modern Enterprises
AHEAD accelerates the impact of technology on clients by engineering customized data, developer, and infrastructure platforms that improve IT operations.
🕛2024-05-28 06:27:05
Privacy-friendly Website Analytics | GDPR-compliant, Real-time, Google Analytics alternative | Clicky
Clicky's privacy-friendly, real-time website analytics service is simply the best way to monitor, analyze, and react to your website's traffic in real time.
🕛2024-05-25 21:35:05
devtodev | Analytics for app and game developers
DevToDev 是一个在线社区,旨在连接来自不同技术领域的软件开发人员。该平台为开发人员提供了分享知识、协作和寻求帮助的机会。 DevToDev 的主要功能包括: * **讨论论坛:**用户可以发布问题、分享想法和参与讨论,涵盖广泛的开发主题。 * **博客:**开发人员撰写了有关技术趋势、最佳实践和项目经验的文章。 * **教程:**提供从初学者到高级用户的所有技能水平的循序渐进指南。 * **成员目录:**用户可以连接、建立关系并找到拥有互补技能的协作者。 * **活动:**DevToDev 定期举办网络研讨会、会议和活动,以促进开发人员之间的交流。 该平台对所有开发人员免费,无论其技能水平或行业如何。它旨在为开发人员创建一个协作和支持性的环境,帮助他们学习、成长和取得成功。
🕛2024-05-11 10:57:05
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