Research on energy efficiency, CO2 emissions, energy consumption, forecast
Research on energy efficiency, CO2 emissions, energy sources and energy consumption. Enerdata provides energy report, data, forecast, analysis and consulting on the global energy industry. Expertise include modelling and forecasting, data management, energy and climate change policies. 是一个全球能源情报门户网站,为专业人士、决策者和公众提供全面的能源数据、分析和见解。 该网站拥有 2,000 多万条数据,涵盖电力、天然气、石油、煤炭、可再生能源和碳排放等广泛主题。它提供了对全球、区域和国家层面的历史和预测数据的访问,包括: * 能源生产和消费 * 电力装机容量 * 能源价格 * 碳排放 提供各种分析和见解,包括市场研究、政策简报和行业趋势报告。它还提供交互式数据可视化和定制服务,以满足用户的特定需求。 该网站由一支能源专家团队管理,他们不断更新和验证数据以确保其准确性。 已成为能源行业、政府机构和国际组织的广泛数据和分析来源。
🕛2024-06-10 00:38:06
Michigan Public
Your public radio source for NPR and Michigan news, events, politics, arts/culture, environment. Serving Ann Arbor, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo. michiganradio.org是提供新闻、谈话节目和音乐的非营利公共电台网络的官方网站。它由密歇根大学所有和运营,该网络覆盖密歇根州大部分地区,包括底特律、安阿伯、大急流城和弗林特等主要城市。 Michig​​an Radio提供广泛的本地、区域和国家报道,重点关注密歇根州的新闻和问题。该网站还提供国家公共广播(NPR)新闻、谈话节目和播客。此外,该网络还播放各种音乐节目,涵盖古典音乐、爵士乐、世界音乐和独立音乐等流派。 Michig​​an Radio致力于提供高质量的新闻和信息,同时为听众提供丰富的音乐体验。该网站提供实时流媒体、播客和按需内容,使其听众可以随时随地访问其节目。
🕛2024-06-08 07:07:06
Lakeshore Property Management, Inc.
Property management, West Michigan, real estate, investors, investing, homes for lease, homes for rent, properties for lease, properties for rent, purchasing real estate, Holland MI, Zeeland MI, Hudsonville MI, Allendale MI, Allegan MI, Hamilton MI, investment property for sale, purchasing investment property, tenant placement service, full service property management, property management, management, selling, buying, investment property, rentals, rental property, purchasing rental property, purchasing investment property 是一个专门提供湖畔房产管理服务的网站。它为房东和租户提供一系列服务,旨在简化湖畔房产的管理流程。 **对于房东:** * 在线租金收取和处理 * 租户筛选 * 房产维护和维修协调 * 财务报表和分析 **对于租户:** * 在线租金支付和维修请求提交 * 房产信息,如租金到期日和维护联系方式 * 社区公告和活动信息 该网站旨在提高湖畔房产管理的效率和透明度。通过自动化流程和提供实时更新, 帮助房东无缝管理其房产,同时为租户提供方便的在线体验。 该网站由经验丰富的湖畔房产管理团队管理,致力于提供优质的客户服务。它符合行业标准,并与信誉良好的承包商和供应商建立了合作关系。选择,您可以放心,您的湖畔房产将得到专业和可靠的管理。
🕛2024-06-04 13:19:05
Crude Oil Prices Today |
Crude oil prices & gas price charts. Oil price charts for Brent Crude, WTI & oil futures. Energy news covering oil, petroleum, natural gas and investment advice 是能源行业领先的在线新闻和信息网站,提供有关全球石油、天然气和可再生能源市场的深入报道和分析。 该网站覆盖以下主题: * 油气价格和趋势 * 地缘政治对能源市场的影响 * 石油输出国组织 (OPEC) 和其他能源机构 * 能源技术创新 * 可持续性和替代能源 由经验丰富的能源记者和分析师团队运营,提供可靠、中立和最新的新闻、评论和预测。该网站还提供互动工具,例如实时油价图表和行业数据。 对于能源行业专业人士、投资者、政策制定者和对全球能源市场感兴趣的每个人来说, 是一个宝贵的资源。该网站致力于提供深入的见解、专家分析和对影响能源格局的关键事件和趋势的及时报道。
🕛2024-06-03 12:57:06
McLaren Health Care - Hospitals in Michigan | McLaren Health Care
The McLaren Health Care system includes 13 hospitals, 2 HMO's, ambulatory surgery centers, diagnostics, employed physician network and more.
🕛2024-05-27 10:15:05
Top Indiana and Illinois Hospitals and Doctors | Franciscan Health
Franciscan Health is a 12-hospital health system which includes clinics, home health services and doctors serving Indiana and Illinois.
🕛2024-05-27 06:58:05
Covenant HealthCare
Hospital & Medical Centers - Covenant HealthCare in Saginaw, Michigan, offers a full range of medical services to those in the Great Lakes Bay Region and beyond.
🕛2024-05-27 05:37:05
Current weather and forecast - OpenWeatherMap
OpenWeather provides comprehensive weather data services, including current, forecast, and historical weather information. Explore a wide range of APIs for solar radiation, road risk assessment, solar energy prediction, and more, with global coverage and user-friendly access. Ideal for developers and businesses seeking accurate and reliable weather insights.
🕛2024-05-25 16:16:06
Windy: Wind map & weather forecast
Weather radar, wind and waves forecast for kiters, surfers, paragliders, pilots, sailors and anyone else. Worldwide animated weather map, with easy to use layers and precise spot forecast. METAR, TAF and NOTAMs for any airport in the World. SYNOP codes from weather stations and buoys. Forecast models ECMWF, GFS, NAM and NEMS
🕛2024-05-25 15:59:04
CARROT - iOS and Mac Apps with a Personality
Meet CARROT, the hilariously sadistic A.I. construct who wants nothing more than to force humans to be more productive. Download her apps on the App Store!
🕛2024-05-25 06:24:05
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