Washington Technology - Latest News for Government Contractors
Latest news and information on the business of delivering technology and services to government including government contractors, the integrator communi... Washington Technology 是一个专注于联邦政府信息技术领域的新闻和分析网站。它提供最新的有关政府技术采购、政策和行业趋势的信息。该网站由 1105 Media 拥有和运营,拥有超过 40 年的政府技术出版经验。 Washington Technology 为政府技术专业人员、承包商和供应商提供全面的报道。该网站涵盖从云计算和网络安全到企业软件和移动技术的所有主题。它还提供对政府技术领导人的采访、分析文章和评论。 Washington Technology 是政府技术行业重要的信息来源。它被视为该行业最受尊敬和可靠的出版物之一。该网站拥有庞大的受众,包括政府官员、行业高管和技术专业人士。
🕛2024-09-26 14:18:09
Redmond Channel Partner Home -- Redmond Channel Partner
Redmond Channel Partner Home Page -- For Microsoft Channel Partners RCPmag.com 是一个提供法律、合规和政策新闻和分析的数字出版物。它由 RCP Publications 出版,是一家领先的政治出版公司,以其选情预测而闻名。 该网站涵盖范围广泛的主题,包括: * 联邦和州法律 * 合规性规定 * 健康 care * 隐私权 * 环境法规 * 知识产权 RCPmag.com 的内容由律师、政策专家和记者撰写。该网站以公正、全面和可信的报道而闻名。它已成为法律和监管专业人士、企业领导者以及对公共政策感兴趣的公众的重要信息来源。 除了新闻和分析文章外,RCPmag.com 还提供以下服务: * 时事通讯 * 事件报道 * 博客 * 白皮书 RCPmag.com 是一个一站式平台,可获取有关法律、合规和政策发展的最新信息。它对于任何希望了解影响企业和个人的不断变化的法律和监管环境的人来说都是必不可少的资源。
🕛2024-07-24 08:29:07
Joomla Components by Compojoom - compojoom.com
Welcome to Compojoom. We are web developers who work hard to make Joomla! extensions that people love to use. Our products, created with high attention to detail help you create value and make the most out of your Joomla! website. Compojoom.com 是一个提供 Joomla! 扩展和模板的网站,用于增强 Joomla! 网站的功能和外观。 该网站提供广泛的扩展,包括: * 内容管理:创建和管理博客文章、新闻和页面 * 电子商务:建立在线商店和管理产品和订单 * 社交媒体整合:将网站连接到 Facebook、Twitter 和其他平台 * 性能优化:改善网站的加载时间和整体性能 Compojoom 还提供各种模板,从简单的单页模板到复杂的企业级模板。这些模板专为移动优化、易于自定义和响应式设计,可在各种设备上提供一致的体验。 该网站易于浏览,用户可以按类别、价格或受欢迎程度筛选扩展和模板。Compojoom 还提供全面的文档、支持论坛和一个帮助中心,帮助用户在使用产品时解决问题。 无论您是 Joomla! 新手还是经验丰富的开发人员,Compojoom.com 都提供了广泛的资源,可帮助您创建和增强您的 Joomla! 网站。
🕛2024-07-14 12:43:07
Open Source Integrators | Odoo ERP Partners USA | Scale Your Business In Harmony
Open Source Integrators is a two-time Odoo Partner of the year and implementation consultants of ERP Software. OSI builds expert integrations and customization to scale your business.
🕛2024-05-29 08:56:06
Alkan CIT
ALKAN CIT is a world-class information technology company and systems integrator, providing renowned clients in Egypt, Africa and The Middle East with top-notch solutions and services that help them achieve their business transformation and digitalization goals. Established in 1994, ALKAN CIT has substantially grown over the years to become one of the most prominent and reliable entities in the region, trusted to deliver seamless projects every single time. Through its subsidiary companies and with more than 1000 of the best-in-the-market calibers, ALKAN CIT has put together a solutions and services portfolio that spans the entire spectrum of communications and information technology, becoming a one-stop partner to cross-sector market leaders in achieving their strategic transformational objectives. Propped by our strategic partnerships with global technology leaders, combined with the unparalleled hands-on expertise of our competent teams, ALKAN CIT is able to incorporate innovation and the latest advanced technologies into its solutions. Leveraging accumulated domain expertise and market understanding, ALKAN CIT ensures the adaptation and customization of its solutions and services to accommodate the unique business-specific requirements of each client.
🕛2024-05-28 06:44:05
Security Today provides Security News and Products for Cybersecurity, Campus Security, Dealer Integrators, Government, Education, Networking, and more -- Security Today
Security Today is the industry-leading, security products magazine, enewsletter, and website for security dealers, integrators and end-users focusing on problem-solving solutions, the latest news, webinars, products, and innovations in the industry.
🕛2024-05-26 00:09:05
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