American Bar is an homage to the country's culinary classics, elevated through careful sourcing of the highest quality ingredients. Timeless Continental cuisine is paired with the sensibility, design, and community of an old-world European club, featuring a brass-rail cocktail lounge, terrazzo bar, sunshine yellow dining room, and curtained-off private dining area. Our food is unpretentious, our room is beautiful and bright, our music is fun, and our people are nice. AmericanBarNYC.com是纽约一家知名同性恋酒吧的官方网站,该酒吧以其热闹的氛围、友好的工作人员和多样化的顾客而闻名。
- 营业时间和地点:包括方向和地图链接。
- 活动和活动:包括现场音乐、主题之夜和特别活动。
- 菜单:包括饮料和食品选择。
- 会员资格:有关加入酒吧会员计划和获得独家优惠的详细信息。
- 预订:用于预订私人活动或团体游览。
该网站还设有博客,提供有关酒吧当地 LGBTQ+ 社区的新闻、更新和活动的信息。 是寻找纽约市迷人、热情好客和充满活力的同性恋酒吧的任何人的宝贵资源。