Hell And Gone is a true crime podcast from iHeartPodcasts and School of Humans that follows journalist and private investigator Catherine Townsend as she investigates unsolved deaths. Now in its fifth season, Hell and Gone is going weekly. Over the past five years of making true crime podcast Hell and Gone, host Catherine Townsend has received hundreds of messages from people all around the country asking for help with an unsolved murder that’s affected them, their families and their communities. In past seasons of the show, she’s only been able to focus on one case. But now, she’s hosting a new weekly show called Hell and Gone Murder Line. Every Thursday, Catherine features a new case, adds updates to old ones, and helps as much as she can to get the word out about unsolved murders. If you have a case you’d like Catherine and her team to look into, you can call the Hell and Gone Murder Line at 678-744-6145. hellandgonepodcast.com 是一个播客网站,关注犯罪、超自然现象和未解之谜。该网站由尼克·里奥斯(Nick Rios)和爱德华·普雷斯特伍德(Edward Prestwood)主持,每周发布一集,探讨神秘事物、令人毛骨悚然的故事和未经证实的现象。


网站上还提供播客剧集的转录文本,以及有关所讨论主题的额外信息和资源的链接。hellandgonepodcast.com 是对犯罪、超自然现象和未解之谜感兴趣的人的宝贵资源。