Leagle is a leading provider of United States Court opinions and decisions. Every opinion and decision handed down by the Courts – Trial Courts, Appellate Courts and Supreme Courts, spanning Civil, Criminal, Family, Tax or Bankruptcy litigations are published here daily. Our library is comprehensive and contains over 5 million published and unpublished cases since 1950.The Leagle Lawyer directory contains over 150,000 lawyer listings in every area of practise. Many of them are our distinguished “Featured Lawyers”.Leagle is the place to find the most appropriate lawyer for any situation, find information on litigations, past and current, or keep you informed on the latest trends in the area of Law, Law Practise or Legal thinking. Leagle.com 是一个免费的法学研究网站,提供涵盖美国法律的所有领域的大量法律资源。


  • 案例法:来自联邦和州法院的案例法全文,包括最高法院、巡回法院和地方法院的判决。
  • 法规:来自联邦和州政府机构的所有现行法规的文本。
  • 法律期刊:来自数百种学术法律期刊的文章全文。
  • 条例:美国法典和州法典中条例的全文本。
  • 法学词典:包括所有主要法律术语的定义。

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