MAYU architects is an award winning, interdisciplinary architectural practice based in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

The scope of MAYU architects’ works spans from large scale civic projects to small scale ones. The studio recognizes the importance of teamwork in the creation of architecture, while maintaining the individuality and artistry of each project. Therefore an architectural approach balancing the interdisciplinary cooperation and artistic inspiration is applied. The studio’s conception to a project avoids presumption of fixed style and dogmatism, in favor of a dynamic and organic process. The dialogue between site, context, programs, time, materials, users, and clients constantly contributes to the forming of architecture. Organizational logic of physical buildings, holistic experience of spaces, and the changing characteristics of materials are priorities of the studio. Mayuarchitects.com是一个展示Mayuar Architects LLP工作室设计和建筑作品的网站。该网站以其优雅简洁的设计为特色,重点展示了工作室在住宅、商业和公共建筑等领域的广泛项目组合。


  • 作品集:展示了工作室完成的建筑项目的照片、草图和描述。
  • 关于我们:提供有关Mayuar Architects LLP及其团队的信息。
  • 新闻:包含有关工作室和行业新闻的最新文章和更新。
  • 联系我们:提供了联系工作室的方式。

该网站使用高分辨率图像和交互式元素,让用户能够深入了解Mayuar Architects LLP的作品。用户可以浏览项目类型、过滤位置并查看详细的项目描述。

总体而言,mayuarchitects.com是一个精心设计的网站,展示了Mayuar Architects LLP的卓越设计美学和广泛的技术专长。它为感兴趣的客户、合作伙伴和建筑爱好者提供了一个探索工作室作品宝库的机会。