Mariana Mazzucato is Professor in the Economics of Innovation and Public Value at University College London where she is the founding director of the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose. Her work challenges orthodox thinking about the role of the state and the private sector in driving innovation; how economic value is created, measured and shared; and how market-shaping policy can be designed in a ‘mission oriented way’ to solve the grand challenges facing humanity 是伦敦大学学院 (UCL) 创新与公共价值研究所所长玛丽安娜·马祖卡托教授的个人网站。
- 博客:马祖卡托撰写的关于创新、经济学和公共政策的最新文章和评论。
- 演讲:马祖卡托在全球活动中发表的演讲和访谈的视频和音频。
- 研究:马祖卡托及其团队发表的研究论文和报告的列表。
- 活动:马祖卡托参与的或由她的研究所主办的即将举行的活动日历。
总体而言, 是了解马祖卡托开创性工作和创新与公共价值领域的最新思想的重要资源。