The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) (formerly Organization of the Islamic Conference) is the second largest inter-governmental organization after the United Nations which has membership of 57 states spread over four continents. The Organization is the collective voice of the Muslim world and ensuring to safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony among various people of the world. The Organization was established upon a decision of the historical summit which took place in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco on 12th Rajab 1389 Hijra (25 September 1969) as a result of criminal arson of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem. OIC OCI 组织 ( 是一个由开放工业联盟 (OIC) 和开放计算项目 (OCI) 合作成立的组织。该组织致力于制定统一的开放标准,以促进云服务提供商和用户之间的互操作性。
OIC OCI 组织的任务是通过促进生态系统合作,定义、开发、发布和推广开源参考架构、规范和白皮书,来加速云计算和边缘计算生态系统的演进。
- 定义统一的云和边缘计算标准和规范。
- 促进云和边缘计算生态系统内的互操作性。
- 培育一个开放的社区,汇集来自行业、学术界和政府的利益相关者。
OIC OCI 组织的网站 提供了有关该组织、其使命、活动和成果的信息。该网站还包含技术文档、规范、白皮书和社区论坛,供利益相关者使用和协作。