This page provides a Javascript online web-based ROT47 Encoder/Decoder. The ROT47 (Caesar cipher by 47 chars) is a simple character substitution cipher that replaces a character within the ASCII range [33, 126] with the character 47 character after it (rotation) in the ASCII table. It is an invertible algorithm i.e. applying the same algorithm to the input twice will get the origin text. This page also provides LUA function/cipher implementation for many popular programming languages. 是一個免費的線上工具,用於編碼和解碼 Rot47 文字。Rot47 是一種替換密碼,將字母和符號替換為其他字母和符號,從而產生一種加密的訊息。
在 Rot47 中,每個字母都向字母表中移動 47 個位置。例如,"A" 變成 "P","B" 變成 "Q",依此類推。空格和標點符號保持不變。 是一個易於使用的網站。只需在文字方塊中輸入要編碼或解碼的文字,然後按一下編碼或解碼按鈕即可。編碼後的文字會顯示在方塊下方。