National Portal of India provides a single-window access to information and services that are electronically delivered from all Government Departments, Institutions and Organizations. It has been a popular source of information to a wide range of stakeholders - from citizens, to government, business and Indian Diasporas. It is a gateway to access Indian Government websites at Centre, State and District levels. 是印度政府的官方网站。它提供该国各个层级的公共服务的全面信息。
该网站提供有关政府计划、服务、法规、政策和议事规则的可靠信息。它还包括一个公民服务门户,用户可以访问各种在线服务,例如税务申报、护照申请和福利计划注册。 旨在为公民提供获取政府信息的单一窗口。它提供的信息保持最新和准确,并且可以通过多种语言访问,包括英语、印地语和孟加拉语。
通过整合广泛的公共信息和服务, 使公民能够方便有效地与印度政府互动。该网站是政府透明度和问责制的宝贵工具,因为它加强了公民与政府之间的联系。