The Classroom Education Plan® (CEP) is a revolutionary platform designed to guide every teacher to the best instructional strategies for his/her students, track the impact of that strategy on each student’s engagement and growth, and enable administrators and teachers to have real-time views into teachers’ and students’ progress. The CEP is based on extensive research into peer-reviewed studies and is based on real-time teacher and -student voice on both academic and non-academic factors. It delivers classroom-ready teaching strategies that are ingrained with social-emotional learning, cultural responsiveness, and differentiation.

The CEP uses AI to analyze the data and provide immediate recommendations to each teacher regarding the best strategies for meeting the needs of each classroom. It facilitates easy-to-use quick progress monitoring that provides teachers and administrators broad and focused views on classrooms, grades, schools, and districts. The result: teachers learn what matters to and for their students, and have the tools to achieve meaningful engagement and growth. Teachers, instructional coaches, and administrators have the data they need to see what they are doing to drive student achievement and the success they are having. QoreInsights 是一个技术分析平台,为交易者和投资者提供实时市场数据和洞察。它提供以下功能:

  • 图表和技术指标: 创建交互式图表,并应用各种技术指标,包括移动平均线、布林带和相对强弱指数 (RSI)。
  • 股市筛选器: 根据特定指标筛选股票,例如价格、交易量和市盈率。
  • 新闻和分析: 获取来自可信来源的最新市场新闻和分析。
  • 社区讨论: 与其他用户联系,分享见解和讨论市场趋势。
  • 交易模拟器: 在无风险环境中练习交易策略,而不冒任何真实资金风险。

QoreInsights 旨在为交易者和投资者提供所需的工具,以做出明智的决策并提高其交易成果。它对于中高级交易者来说特别有用,他们希望利用技术分析来增强他们的交易策略。