An aid in the study of the Ptolemaic (Macedonian-based Greek), Roman Imperial (Greco-Roman), and Byzantine rulers of Egypt based in Alexandria, this portal site is intended for all classicists and students of Hellenistic history. The House of Ptolemy web site concentrates on the Ptolemies and their world, from 331 - 30 BCE. However, since the histories of Greek rule and subsequent Roman rule overlap (and do so again later with Byzantine rule) this site includes Roman rule in Egypt, and the Byzantine rule that followed. During this almost 1000 years the dominant culture ['Hellenistic'] started as a Greek core with added native Egyptian and other foreign elements. These elements were both blended and kept distinctly separate, sometimes overlying the Greek core incompletely so that today scholars can focus on the Greek facets, the native Egyptian facets, the other outside influences, or all of these together when they discuss The House of Ptolemy and its legacies. Base page at 是一家专注于探索托勒密王朝历史、文化和科学贡献的教育非营利组织。托勒密王朝是一个来自马其顿的希腊化王朝,于公元前 305 年至公元前 30 年统治埃及。


  • 历史:王朝的政治、军事和文化历史,包括其与希腊、罗马和邻近文明的关系。
  • 文化:托勒密时期的艺术、建筑、宗教和日常生活。
  • 科学:王朝对数学、天文学、医学和科学发展的重大贡献。
  • 个人资料:关于托勒密王朝统治者、其他著名人物的个人资料,以及他们对王朝的影响。 以清晰简洁的方式呈现信息,使其对各个教育水平的人员都具有可访问性和信息性。该网站还包含图像、地图、时间表和推荐读物,以增强用户体验。